Sorry good people, I got called away before editing properly...Title should have read 2015 not 1915. 1915 is the time frame in which the WT is still stuck.
Half banana
JoinedPosts by Half banana
UK, Modern Slavery Act 1915
by Half banana ini have just had a glitch in logging in to my bank account.
the consequence of which was to start from scratch and re-register.
on doing so i looked at the small print and noted that the bank was obliged to include a passage on the modern slavery act of 2015. the purpose of which is not simply to avoid and exclude complicity with human trafficking but to treat all customers, staff and business partners with appropriate human consideration and dignity.
UK, Modern Slavery Act 1915
by Half banana ini have just had a glitch in logging in to my bank account.
the consequence of which was to start from scratch and re-register.
on doing so i looked at the small print and noted that the bank was obliged to include a passage on the modern slavery act of 2015. the purpose of which is not simply to avoid and exclude complicity with human trafficking but to treat all customers, staff and business partners with appropriate human consideration and dignity.
Half banana
I have just had a glitch in logging in to my bank account. The consequence of which was to start from scratch and re-register. On doing so I looked at the small print and noted that the bank was obliged to include a passage on the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. The purpose of which is not simply to avoid and exclude complicity with human trafficking but to treat all customers, staff and business partners with appropriate human consideration and dignity. For businesses with an income of £36 million (a bit more than mine!) it is necessary to make an annual statement declaring one's method of addressing the act.
Once again the cavalier Watchtower Bible and Tract Society/ JW Organisation fall far short of this secular requirement. Their attitude is one of gross arrogance based on their insubstantial belief that they are chosen by the Almighty as his exclusive mouthpiece.
The point I make is that the world, at least in the UK, increasingly becomes more compassionate and considerate of the welfare of all. Various government acts including the other recent one on domestic abuse , which is being finalised at the moment show how good government equals care of the needs of the people.
The Domestic Abuse Bill has been in force for a couple of years and proscribes physical and emotional abuse of others, and prohibits the cross examination of the abused by the abuser. (Perhaps they learned this from the negative aspects of JW "Theocratic principles").
The JW organisation does not care about individuals! It practices systemic abuse of its followers in limiting their rights, education time and self worth. Wearing a blindfold of literal interpretation of the Bible, it looks and sounds more and more outdated and wedded to the past. It has no useful future.
Sumner Redstone, who often boasted that he would live forever,, dead at age 97, and no he was not a JW.
by was a new boy ingoji berries and strong belief got him past 90, he was jewish.. 'in a bizarre boast redstone made to larry king in 2009. asked by king why he looked so good for his age, redstone extolled the virtues of goji berries and then said matter-of-factly, "i’m not going to die.
i’m going to live forever.”.
Half banana
(There is no such thing as a super-food but try telling marketing men that.)
How can mere mortals become like the gods of heaven? This is the perpetual quest, the holy grail.............
If we have sex, reproduce and didn't die -- imagine the consequences!
Elders Remove Excellent Speaker
by Vanderhoven7 ingreat talk interrupted....
Half banana
Van I like your choice in motorbikes..... but I think that you have been seduced by the naivety of Christian propaganda.
The NT was made sacred by inclusion into the Catholic Bible for the purpose of political control. It gave the citizens under Roman rule the possibility of a transformative life experience through BELIEF, it was a confidence trick.
If "salvation" as you imply, is a life changing mental viewpoint -- it's not what most people including myself think or want. To be "saved" means to be rescued from mortal danger. I don't know about you but apart from normal hazards, I never have felt in need of salvation -- "being saved" is yet another religious concept at the disposal of preachers and leaders to tame the masses and render them susceptible to further propaganda.
Personally I expect nothing more than the one life I am familiar with -- which is the bottom line in facing reality......
However we are all at liberty to think how we wish but if we are honest and seek an accurate comprehension of the world we experience, we must, to misquote the good book; test the information. That involves understanding why it was written and later made sacred.
Elders Remove Excellent Speaker
by Vanderhoven7 ingreat talk interrupted....
Half banana
I imagine he took the opportunity to take advantage of the mistake in being given a talk. because it sounds like he was 'witnessing' for his new beliefs.
If JWs have it wrong -- he too was promoting the equally implausible scripture of Rom 10;13. How simplistic to say all you have to do to be saved is, "Call on the name of Jesus"? Taking the Bible literally, is a mug's game.
These words are among those which must have made converts to Christianity so easy. It was the lure of easy salvation through mention of a 'magic' name. This simple formula is naive, there is not one piece of evidence to back it up but what bait for simple souls to believe!
In two thousand years does any one have the name of someone who has definitely been 'saved' through calling on Jesus?
Is "salvation" useful, or even desirable?
Should we listen to the words of the ex JW speaker on the platform because he now has the right interpretation on the Bible?
Was Sin Inevitable?
by Parker ini was wondering about this question and wanted to ask: was sin inevitable?
also, i had thought about past watchtower articles or publications related to this topic and did some research and found this from our readers ask if adam was perfect, how was it possible for him to sin?.
well, then, did god create adam with a moral weakness, so that he lacked the ability to make sound decisions or to withstand temptation?
Half banana
"Sin" and its partners "perfection and "imperfection" are religious constructs.They are key parts of the control apparatus to put worshippers under obligations.
They only exist in the minds of believers.There is no way of measuring or quantifying sin, it is a mythical explanation for not being perfect when a perfect mythical god supposedly created humans who supposedly became imperfect.
One of the joys of waking up from this fallacy is the realisation that we are not made imperfect from an ancestor's misdeeds and we do not wear the burdensome cloak of guilt, unless of course we deliberately harm others or break the law. Neither do we need to grovel to an invisible god to get a pardon through human sacrifice.
Religion and its insistence on sin infantilises us putting us back to the helplessness of childhood and dependency on others. Christian religions in effect teach that we are all naughty children.
Was it inevitable? It doesn't exist.
So according to wt. Doctrine, If you die one day before Armageddon...
by nowwhat? inyou will be resurrected.
but if you live one more day when armageddon starts you will die a horrible death with no chance of a resurrection.
makes sense to me!.
Half banana
If gods existed, would they be bothered with mere doctrines made up by men?
No, They Will Never Notice!
by Atlantis insince the watchtower has already made this bible public, i can put a link out here.. no, the rank & file will never notice the words "governing body" have been inserted into acts 15: 1-35 in the 2019 new world translation, matthew to acts.. click the image to make it larger if need be.. petra!
Half banana
The scripture at Acts 15, not written by Paul, represents one particular contemporary strain of Christian thinking from among those who were conscious of the non-Jewish converts who wanted clarification on doctrine.
Christianity from the start was diversified and full of divisions because even before the invention of the Roman Church, which really did universalise belief through force, there were many sects developing and diverging. What appears in the final Roman selection of scripture in Acts, is an almost democratic mission to sort out a problem of teaching. There is no mention of a supreme authority as there came to be in the fourth century under Imperial Rome.
Rome had absolute control but the leaders of the JW organisation function in a solipsistic bubble, collectively they have Solipsism syndrome.
"This refers to a psychological state in which a person feels that reality is not external to his or her mind". That is; only what we think is right. It includes the inability to see that others could be right with an alternative viewpoint. It is an essential defect for leaders of a religious cult. Democracy in any form is the death of this type of autocratic leadership.
For one hundred and forty one years seeing themselves as privileged members of the governance of the Watchtower, the GB imagine they are the apple of God's eye, the very focus of his attention!. They are a collective of narcissists who are even prepared to alter the Bible to favour their own role as divinely appointed leaders and credit their own work as ordained by scripture.
What hubris!
It can only lead to their downfall.
Netherlands: sexual abuse report can stay online judge rules
by yalbmert99 in
Half banana
The Dutch Government recognise that the JW organisation publishes lies, namely that they give pastoral care to the victims when in fact they certainly do not..
JW "pastoral care" consists of this remedy: read the WT literature and keep preaching.
This is wholly self interested, misguided and uncaring not to say desperately wrong. The abuse problem until now has been concealed for the sake of bad publicity. The self esteem of abused person just withers away. People lose the will to live when those in authority who claim to care just ignore the plight of those who have been sexually abused.
The mormon church(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
by asp59 inanyone here thats a former mormon?
a person in the internet wrote abouth them.
that community could not be more impressive in its cohesion, sincerity, benevolence, decency, patriotism, and faith.. i seen mormons go from house to house before the convid virus.they always seem cheerful.
Half banana
Always be sincere, whether you mean it or not.....
However it's probably easier to swallow ancients Bible myths than it is to believe 19th century fantasies about finding golden tablets bearing the book of Mormon. In both cases, the evidence for the truthfulness of the Bible and the Book of Mormon, is no stronger than for fairies living at the bottom of the garden.
You simply have to want to believe it.